"Last time, I promised myself that every time I wanted to just scroll through my phone, I would sit down to draw instead. It worked at first, but then it became harder. Especially in the evenings. Scrolling through Instagram is easy on the brain, while drawing requires more effort. Initially, I was a bit hard on myself for this, but then I realized that I was simply tired. And what I needed wasn't to draw but to go to sleep. Maybe this will help others too. Sometimes, when you don’t have the energy to do anything other than scroll, perhaps you just need to sleep."
“Sometimes the cell phone feels like a brick in my pocket, pulling me down.”
The quotes are noted from the meetings and used to show the scope of feelings and relationships with tech of the DAA participants.
“When I worked in fashion I was constantly pressured to be up to date with everything. And something is always happenig. You always need to refresh the grid, watch the new show, be updated. It's not like somebody made me do this. I made myself doing this. And that's how I felt something was wrong from the core of the culture we live in."
"On the last meeting I made a commitment to not watch YouTube while eating. It seems like such a small and simple thing, but I really struggled until I just said it aloud and started. Since then I try to eat outside or with my flatmates. This small commitment step really helped me. And I came back today to share it and get more support for future steps."
"On the last meeting I made a commitment to not watch YouTube while eating. It seems like such a small and simple thing, but I really struggled until I just said it aloud and started. Since then I try to eat outside or with my flatmates. This small commitment step really helped me. And I came back today to share it and get more support for future steps."
“- You know, I like indulging myself in the relm of content. That thing, when you wait the whole day to come home, cook dinner and watch that weird, long 2-hour lecture on YouTube, while scrolling insta.
- Yes, I know. On weekends, I like to wake up, make coffee, take some bread and butter, turn on news while playing chess online. The best feeling.”
Meeting log: